How the Journey Ended

Earlier this year, sharing my global literature project with my grade 4 class sparked their curiosity about the power of reading. Their questions – “Did you really do this all yourself?” and “Can you show me the Czech Republic entry?” – were a heartwarming reminder of how books can ignite a love for exploration.

This ambitious project, to read a piece of writing by a woman from every country in the world, which began nearly six years ago. Life’s adventures – a global pandemic, a new baby, and returning to work – stretched the journey beyond my initial goal of a December 2022 finish. We’ve all faced moments where reading takes a backseat, but the joy of getting lost in a good book has always returned.

Thankfully, my ability to read in French, Spanish, and English proved invaluable. Without them, entries from countries like Cameroon and Paraguay might have remained undiscovered. This project opened my eyes to a vast literary world beyond English, Francophone, and Spanish authors. I fell in love with stories from countries I knew little about, each one revealing a tapestry of history, culture, and society. Translation holds a special magic, transporting us to worlds both familiar and breathtakingly different.

This exploration wouldn’t have been possible without the championing spirit of small independent publishers. They breathe life into diverse voices and stories that might otherwise be lost. Modern tools like Words Without Borders’ search functions and Twitter reviews have fostered connections with authors and translators in ways I could never have imagined as a child.

A heartfelt thank you goes to my family and friends, the supportive WIT community (especially Meytal and GLLI), and bookshops all over the world. What a privilege it has been to experience the world through the lens of female authors!

Ready to share your favorite reads? Find me on Twitter as Jessandohthayre